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* - najpopularniejszy informator edukacyjny - 1,5 mln użytkowników miesięcznie

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1. What’s the population of England?
2. Which is the most densely populated county?
4. What is the highest peak in England?
5. What is the largest lake in England?
6. What is the motto of England?
7. The national emblem of England is ________ .
8. England’s main religions are ______________ .
9. On what river is Liverpool situated?
10.The shortest sea route between England and mainland Europe is between Calais and this English port.
11. The county of Kent is called the ______ of England. What is the missing word?
12. Where in England can you find a 374 foot carved figure of a giant horse?
13. In what part of England is Stonehenge?
14. On what day is Guy Fawkes’ Day?
15. Who is the patron saint of England?
16. Which north west city is famed as the home of the Beatles?
17. Eton is a famous public ____________________________.


18. What colour are most London cabs?
19. In which park is Speaker's Corner?
20. What would you see if you visited Madam Tussauds?
21. Whose statue is in the middle of Piccadilly Circus?
22. Who said 'when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life’?
23. The London Underground Train system was the first
Underground system in the world. But in what year did the first line open?
24. What is the underground railway system known as?
25. What is Big Ben?
26. What is Paddington?
27. What is the Tate?
28. Where is the official residence of the British Prime Minister?
29. Whose statue is in Trafalgar Square?
30. What is the London Eye?
31. Who was the architect of St. Paul's Cathedral?
32. What is the name of Queen Elizabeth's London residence?
33. In Kensington Gardens is a statue of a well known character
from a children's book. Who is it?
34. In which park is the London Zoo located?
35. What is the river that runs through London?
36. According to legend, what will happen if the ravens that live
at the Tower of London desert their home?
37. Who, apart from William Shakespeare, also has his statue on
Leicester Square in the heart of London's Theatre and Movie Theatreland?
38. What are Harrods and Selfridges?
39. Where the Crown Jewels can be admired?
40. What are the men who guard the Tower of London called?
41. Which street did Sherlock Holmes live in?
42. What is the main activity that takes place in the area known as 'Westminster'?
43. What famous London cathedral designed by Christopher
Wren is famous for surviving the Blitz of World War II?
44. What castle was built by William the Conqueror in 1078?
45. Coronation ceremonies for English monarchs are held at ________________.
46. What was the name of Shakespeare theatre in London?
47. What year was the Great Fire of London?
48. The City is a part of London famous for ______________________.


49. Elisabeth II the Queen of England came to the throne in _________.
50. What is the official title of Prince Charles?
51. What nickname did Margaret Thatcher have?
52. Who established Anglican Church?
53. How many children has Queen Elizabeth II got?
54. The patron saint of England was famous for killing something.
What was it?
55. From the area near which English city did Robin Hood and his
Merry Men supposedly come?
56. What’s England’s flag called?
57. What is the oldest royal residence still in use?
58 *. Great Britain is the name of the island that includes ________________.
59 *. What are the two houses of British Parliament?
60 *. What is the flag of the United Kingdom called?



1. 49 million
2. Greater London
3. London
4. Scafell Pike
5. Lake Windermere
6. ”God and my Right”
7. the rose
8. Anglicanism, Roman-Catholicism, Judaism, Islam
9. Mersey
10. Dover
11. garden
12. Wiltshire
13. Salisbury Plan
14. 5th November
15. St. George
16. Liverpool
17. school


18. black
19. High Park
20. waxworks
21. Eros
22. Dr Samuel Johnson
23. 1863
24. the tube
25. a bell
26. a railway station
27. an art gallery
28. Downing Street
29. Lord Nelson
30. a gigantic ferries wheel
31. Sir Christopher Wren
32. Buckingham Palace
33. Peter Pan
34. Regent’s Park
35. Thames
36. The Kingdom will fall
37. Charlie Chaplin
38. department stores and stores
39. The Tower of London
40. beefeaters
41. Baker Street
42. government matters
43. St Paul’s Cathedral
44. The Tower of London
45. Westminster Abbey
46. The Globe
47. 1666
48. financial matters


49. 1952
50. The Prince of Wales
51. Iron Lady
52. Henry VIII
53. 4
54. a dragon
55. Nottingham
56. St George’s Flag
57. Windsor Castle
58. England, Scotland, Wales
59. House of Lords, House of Commons
60. the Union Flag or the Union Jack

Opracowała Agnieszka Pierzchała
Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących Nr1 w Jeleniej Górze

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